Getting Your Retail App Campaigns Ready for the Holiday Season

Getting Your Retail App Campaigns Ready for the Holiday Season | Holiday Retail App Campaigns |

Increase Engagement for Your Retail App

The season of holiday shopping is here! It’s a fantastic opportunity to get users engaged with and excited about your retail app. So, how will you attract these eager spenders as they begin making their lists of gifts? 

There are many unique ways to position your app this holiday season to get the attention of new users. The bottom line is that you have to start with the perspective of what’s in it for them. There are also shopping trends that may impact your retail app campaigns. 

Let’s look at the landscape for 2022 holiday shopping and how to execute smart campaigns to get customers to love your app. 

The 2022 Holiday Shopping Landscape

While headlines continue to tell a story of doom around inflation, consumers aren’t slowing down. According to recent data, consumer confidence rose to 108.0 in September from 103.6 in August. That’s good news for retailers. 

Retail sales projections are also optimistic, with the experts projecting an increase of 4-6%. These numbers aren’t huge, but it’s still growth. Consumers are changing their holiday buying because they are shopping earlier and spending less. In fact, a survey stated that 45% of consumers are doing so due to fear of inflation. The giants in the industry—Amazon, Target, and Walmart—are starting promotions in October. 

Another factor to be aware of is how people will shop. The past two years saw big booms for e-commerce, as it was often the only option. People won’t pull away from these channels as they appreciate the convenience and selection. However, you can expect more people to return to stores for Black Friday. The NRF (National Retail Federation) reported that 45% of shoppers will browse and buy during the biggest shopping day.  

Based on these data and trends, we’ve got some retail app campaigns that you’ll think are money.

Retail App Campaign Ideas

Acquiring new users for your retail app is never easy. There’s a lot of competition, and it can often be challenging to convert current customers from the browser to your app. Here are some ways you can bring in those shoppers.

Consider All the Touchpoints

So, how does someone research and make the decision to purchase? According to Google Insights, 54% of people use five or more channels to shop and explore, including search, video, and social media. 

There’s a good chance that users will explore your products in one channel and buy in another. If you want to push them toward your app, you’ll need to consider all the touchpoints. Based on data that you have about how customers find and discover your products, place app incentive advertising in their journey. The more they see it, the more likely they will end up there when they are ready to purchase.

Use Promotions to Get the Download and Drive Engagement

The first and most challenging part of UA is the download. People need a reason to shop in your app even if they are already brand loyal. The best way to show them value is to offer a specific promotion and make that part of your CPI (cost per install) campaign. These are actually more CPI/CPE (cost per engagement) ads because there are two actions: download the app and make a purchase. For example, a user can download the app and get $15 off of a first purchase. 

As seen above, users have to do two things to get the reward. Once you have them in the app, get engagement right by consistently reminding them why shopping in the app is better than the alternative. It could be the user experience, discounts, more loyalty points, or whatever exclusivity you define. Continued CPE campaigns past the first purchase keep this fresh in their mind and the rewards coming. 

Starting these early could also help you get planners and budget-conscious shoppers. There’s no reason you have to wait for the traditional holiday shopping season.

Leverage In-Store Events and Your App

As noted, expect more shoppers in physical stores. If your brand has these, your app can play a role, too. Using an app in-store may provide more discounts or add context to your merchandising. You could place QR codes with products that, once scanned in the app, offer information on an item. It could be how to style a shirt to what you can do with an appliance. 

You can make this front and center for Black Friday with CPI campaigns that call out this experience. Make sure you use multiple channels for these and work with a platform that can deliver unique traffic for the best reach. 

Another option is to do some keyword bursts around Black Friday shopping or promotions. Get as niche as you can for your store type because many apps will be looking to capitalize on this day.

Make a Play on Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday rounds out the biggest holiday shopping weekend, and it’s one more opportunity to convert shoppers to your app. There are a few ways to do this:

  • Keyword bursts around Cyber Monday and your retail category
  • CPIs with Cyber Monday offers
  • Website messaging that drives people to your app 
  • Partnering with social influencers with expertise in what you sell to share with their followers in advance of the day

Why not try an integrated campaign that includes all these tactics? It could give you a download boost that helps you peak on the app charts. Other shoppers may then stumble upon your app and start using it, too.

Tis the Season for Retail App Campaigns

It’s retail’s time to shine and move into the black. Even with smaller growth this year, people love gift-giving and feel it’s an important tradition. Your app can entice them with exclusive deals and create better shopping experiences. Now all you need to do is get these campaigns in motion with AdAction. Our retail app experts are waiting to be your Santa this season. Send us your “wish list” today!

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